More biology articles in the 'General' category

As usual, lots of unexpected improvements on the site! I spent a good part of the weekend designing or tweaking icons for the various categories, implementing a better login/logout system (in the right side bar) which follow you site wide (including in the forums), various esthetical changes, category-specific recent discussions, and I'm sure there's more. If you have any suggestions, drop a comment, or write me a mail if you're shy (see bottom of the page)!

Interesting links of the past week :

- British scientist who discovered link with smoking and cancer, dies at 92
- Nanobodies - better & smaller antibodies from camel
- A Disappearing Biome? Reconsidering Land-Cover Change in the Brazilian Savanna
- Arsenic caused the madness of King George III
- GObar: A Gene Ontology based analysis and visualization tool for gene sets
- Medical scans can trigger airport alarms for up to 30 days after
- Seventeen now dead from mystery disease in southwest China

July 25, 2005 05:47 PMGeneral

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