More biology articles in the 'General' category

I'm glad most of you like the new design. For those who preferred the old one, don't worry. I'm working on an alternate stylesheet that will have the same look (you will be able to switch to it, and it'll remember your preference). No ETA on that, as I'm quite busy.

Some links (yeah, as usual, saturday is a slow news day) :

- Visualizing Antibiotic Resistance
- Biophotonics technology harnesses power of light
- No evidence that calcium and vitamin D prevent fractures
- Study shows genes predict how well diabetes drug will work
- Sydney team invents a 3D hearing aid
- Generex begins testing new vaccine for breast cancer patients
- Researchers show protein's role in stopping bacterial-induced inflammation
- AECOM activates longevity gene
- Robots confirm global warming

April 30, 2005 02:12 PMGeneral

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