More biology articles in the 'General' category

From Biomed Central : "The Scientist has just launched its upgraded website incorporating The Scientist Daily, the first daily newspaper for the life sciences, and its 18-year article archive. For more information on The Scientist's wide range of content, plus information on how to subscribe, visit the website." Unfortunately, they changed to subscription-based ($$) content. Strange and paradoxal from a publisher that advocate open-science... Note that TheScientistBlog is in no way affiliated or related to I spent the whole day cleaning the CSS interface in prevision of the upcoming domain transfer (I'm moving from Blogger to Wordpress, MovableType or Drupal, my choice isn't made yet). I'm not sure if I'll keep TheScientistBlog as a domain name - if you have cool ideas, drop a comment in this post or in the forum. I added registration-free guest access to it in an effort to stimulate discussion. I'm also looking for a reliable (and not too costly) web hosting company. As a last note, Happy New Year to everyone!

January 2, 2005 08:00 PMGeneral

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