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Late update again!

Been busy with the administrative side of finishing a master's thesis... Which means I'm a master in Bioinformatics, no less! It's been a pain tough...They made me come back 3 (!!) times for missing documents (from one of my evaluator), punctuation on the front page (capital E or É? Does it really makes a difference?) and for the best one...

"Sorry, we can`t allow you to do your final deposit right now, we did not sent you the invitation to do so, please come back tomorrow".

Grrrr... this University been like that since the beginning. What could I do? Dump it on the desk? Yes! That's exactly what I did... with a smile of course ;) It`s over now...well, if we don't consider doctorate admission and funding requests (CIHR, among others)... On the upside, now I get to be called Master, which is nice ;) On the downside, the $%?$%? PCR machine broke AGAIN (3rd time in 4 years, new machine, different problem each time). For you information, it's a TECHNE...
is it standard for PCR machines to break that often? I guess my construction of a new virus of DOOM (don't worry too much ;)) will have to wait! There's a drink at stakes... I must hurry! Meeting early tomorrow (with doughnuts!) so I guess I'll get some sleep...
Oh almost forgot! Blogger removed adsense and let us put it back for our own profit... which is nice! I was thinking to move the blog elsewhere... but this is cool! I moved the ad somewhere less intrusive and more visible at the same time... Very cool targeting I must add! Google is definitively a company with enormous potential ;)

August 26, 2004 11:01 PMGeneral

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