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February 28, 2017

DNA Test Shows Subway's 'Chicken' Only Contains 50 Percent Chicken

Slashdot: Science - Fetched: February 28th, 2017, 6:00pm UTC
According to an investigation by Canadian media outlet, CBC, the chicken in Subway Restaurants' chicken sandwiches may only contain around 50 percent chicken -- the rest of it is soy, spices and preservatives. The investigation involved DNA testing chicken sandwiches collected from five popular fast food restaurants. While the rest of the sandwiches contained mostly chicken, Subway's oven-roasted chicken and the chicken strips in its Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki sandwich clocked in with just 53.6 percent and 42.8 percent chicken, respectively. Ars Technica reports: Among all the chicken sampled, there was a total of about 50 ingredients other than chicken identified. The chicken samples had an average of 16 ingredients. Some of the ingredients are expected, such as salt and other seasonings. But many were commercial preservatives and fillers. One commonality was that they all had high levels of salt. Subway responded to the CBC in a statement: "SUBWAY Canada cannot confirm the veracity of the results of the lab testing you had conducted. However, we are concerned by the alleged findings you had conducted." You can read the full statement here.pdiv class="share_submission" style="position:relative;" a class="slashpop" href="'s+'Chicken'"img src=""/a a class="slashpop" href=""img src=""/a a class="nobg" href=";utm_medium=googleplus" onclick=",'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;"img src="" alt="Share on Google+"//a /div/ppa href=";utm_medium=feed"Read more of this story/a at Slashdot./pimg src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/

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