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March 02, 2017

[In Brief] News at a glance

ScienceNOW - Fetched: March 2nd, 2017, 3:00pm UTC
In science news around the world, the World Health Organization releases a new list of microbes for which new drugs are most critically needed, U.S. President Donald Trump signs an executive order that paves the way to eliminate a 2015 expansion of the Clean Water Act, the less-aggressive HIV-2 may be more deadly than previously thought, a promising dengue vaccine developed in Brazil faces an uncertain future, a report suggests that theft of intellectual property could cost the United States $600 billion annually, and more. Also, "queen of carbon science" Mildred Dresselhaus died last week at the age of 86. And a decades-long conflict between researchers and members of Native American tribes over the bones of a 9000-year-old skeleton known as Kennewick Man is finally laid to rest, along with the bones.

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