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March 02, 2017

[Business Office Feature] Webinar | A high-resolution look at the human cell: Introducing the Human Cell Atlas

ScienceNOW - Fetched: March 2nd, 2017, 3:00pm UTC
Resolving the spatial distribution of the human proteome at a subcellular level greatly increases our understanding of human biology and disease. A high-resolution map of the human cell has been generated—part of the Human Protein Atlas database—that provides the in situ localization of 12,036 human proteins at a single-cell level, covering 30 subcellular structures, and enabling 14 major organelle proteomes to be defined. The high spatial resolution of the data has allowed the identification of novel protein components in all major organelles, as well as the characterization of fine cellular structures such as the cytokinetic bridge and nuclear bodies. An integrative approach to data generation includes strict validation criteria using gene silencing, paired antibodies, and fluorescently tagged proteins. The Cell Atlas reveals that approximately half of all proteins localize to multiple compartments and that many proteins show cell-to-cell variation in terms of protein abundance or spatial distribution. In this webinar, we will introduce the new Human Cell Atlas, outlining how it is being used to define the spatiotemporal organization of the human proteome at a subcellular level.View the Webinar Authors: Mathias Uhlén, Emma Lundberg

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