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February 09, 2017

[Research Article] A prominent glycyl radical enzyme in human gut microbiomes metabolizes trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline

ScienceNOW - Fetched: February 9th, 2017, 3:00pm UTC
The human microbiome encodes vast numbers of uncharacterized enzymes, limiting our functional understanding of this community and its effects on host health and disease. By incorporating information about enzymatic chemistry into quantitative metagenomics, we determined the abundance and distribution of individual members of the glycyl radical enzyme superfamily among the microbiomes of healthy humans. We identified many uncharacterized family members, including a universally distributed enzyme that enables commensal gut microbes and human pathogens to dehydrate trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline, the product of the most abundant human posttranslational modification. This “chemically guided functional profiling” workflow can therefore use ecological context to facilitate the discovery of enzymes in microbial communities. Authors: B. J. Levin, Y. Y. Huang, S. C. Peck, Y. Wei, A. Martínez-del Campo, J. A. Marks, E. A. Franzosa, C. Huttenhower, E. P. Balskus

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