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January 12, 2017

[Business Office Feature] Editing the editor: Genome editing gets a makeover with CRISPR 2.0

ScienceNOW - Fetched: January 12th, 2017, 4:00pm UTC
Applications of the genome editing system CRISPR are appearing at a furious pace, and gathering momentum toward therapeutic use in human cells. Indeed, Chinese scientists recently began a human clinical trial using CRISPR-edited cells to fight lung cancer, and U.S. clinical trials are slated to begin in 2017. But leading up to this exciting milestone, researchers performed some editing on the CRISPR system itself. Here's a look at some recent CRISPR upgrades that are helping to move it closer toward use in clinics.Read the Feature (Full-Text HTML)Read the Feature (PDF)Read New Products (PDF) Author: Caitlin Smith

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