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December 22, 2016

[Report] Precursor processing for plant peptide hormone maturation by subtilisin-like serine proteinases

ScienceNOW - Fetched: December 22nd, 2016, 3:00pm UTC
Peptide hormones that regulate plant growth and development are derived from larger precursor proteins by proteolytic processing. Our study addressed the role of subtilisin-like proteinases (SBTs) in this process. Using tissue-specific expression of proteinase inhibitors as a tool to overcome functional redundancy, we found that SBT activity was required for the maturation of IDA (INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION), a peptide signal for the abscission of floral organs in Arabidopsis. We identified three SBTs that process the IDA precursor in vitro, and this processing was shown to be required for the formation of mIDA (the mature and bioactive form of IDA) as the endogenous signaling peptide in vivo. Hence, SBTs act as prohormone convertases in plants, and several functionally redundant SBTs contribute to signal biogenesis. Authors: Katharina Schardon, Mathias Hohl, Lucile Graff, Jens Pfannstiel, Waltraud Schulze, Annick Stintzi, Andreas Schaller

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