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October 27, 2016

[In Brief] News at a glance

ScienceNOW - Fetched: October 27th, 2016, 3:00pm UTC
In science news around the world, Kuwaiti leaders chose to revise a controversial law mandating DNA collection from all citizens and visitors, researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, admit they waited to report deaths in a cancer study, two major research institutes in California were set to merge, a researcher from the Pasteur Institute Korea breached French biosafety protocol by bringing samples of the Middle East respiratory virus on an airplane, and more. Also, researchers locate the faulty genetic switch that suppresses limb development in snakes. And Science chats with computational geneticist Yaniv Erlich of the New York Genome Center and Columbia University about his latest project,, which aims to tap into the genetic data of up to 3 million people already tested by consumer genetic companies to make the information available to researchers.

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