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October 06, 2016

[Business Office Feature] Webinar | Key signaling pathways in cancer: Emerging trends in immunometabolism

ScienceNOW - Fetched: October 6th, 2016, 3:00pm UTC
Immune cells divide rapidly when mounting an immune response against a pathogen, for example, or when initiating a wound-healing response. To accommodate the increased energy requirements to mount the immune response, these cells may employ metabolic pathways similar to those engaged by cancer cells—pathways such as aerobic glycolysis. This correlation presents the intriguing possibility that understanding immune cell metabolism will provide new and actionable insights into the behavior of tumor cells. In this webinar, our expert speakers will explore how this phenomenon is being studied and describe how it could enable the development of new strategies in the fight against cancer.View the Webinar Authors: Erika L. Pearce, Luke O'Neill

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