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July 07, 2016

[Research Article] Asymmetric division of clonal muscle stem cells coordinates muscle regeneration in vivo

ScienceNOW - Fetched: July 7th, 2016, 3:00pm UTC
Skeletal muscle is an example of a tissue that deploys a self-renewing stem cell, the satellite cell, to effect regeneration. Recent in vitro studies have highlighted a role for asymmetric divisions in renewing rare “immortal” stem cells and generating a clonal population of differentiation-competent myoblasts. However, this model currently lacks in vivo validation. We define a zebrafish muscle stem cell population analogous to the mammalian satellite cell and image the entire process of muscle regeneration from injury to fiber replacement in vivo. This analysis reveals complex interactions between satellite cells and both injured and uninjured fibers and provides in vivo evidence for the asymmetric division of satellite cells driving both self-renewal and regeneration via a clonally restricted progenitor pool. Authors: David B. Gurevich, Phong Dang Nguyen, Ashley L. Siegel, Ophelia V. Ehrlich, Carmen Sonntag, Jennifer M. N. Phan, Silke Berger, Dhanushika Ratnayake, Lucy Hersey, Joachim Berger, Heather Verkade, Thomas E. Hall, Peter D. Currie

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