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May 05, 2016

[Review] Nongenetic functions of the genome

ScienceNOW - Fetched: May 5th, 2016, 4:00pm UTC
The primary function of the genome is to store, propagate, and express the genetic information that gives rise to a cell’s architectural and functional machinery. However, the genome is also a major structural component of the cell. Besides its genetic roles, the genome affects cellular functions by nongenetic means through its physical and structural properties, particularly by exerting mechanical forces and by serving as a scaffold for binding of cellular components. Major cellular processes affected by nongenetic functions of the genome include establishment of nuclear structure, signal transduction, mechanoresponses, cell migration, and vision in nocturnal animals. We discuss the concept, mechanisms, and implications of nongenetic functions of the genome. Authors: Michael Bustin, Tom Misteli

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