Biology News Net
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This is a biology-specific news aggregator linking to the most recent copyrighted news and articles on popular websites. Our sources
April 28, 2016
[Report] Conformational photoswitching of a synthetic peptide foldamer bound within a phospholipid bilayer
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Report] Structure of a bd oxidase indicates similar mechanisms for membrane-integrated oxygen reductases
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Report] Durable coexistence of donor and recipient strains after fecal microbiota transplantation
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Report] Phase separation of signaling molecules promotes T cell receptor signal transduction
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Report] RNA splicing is a primary link between genetic variation and disease
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Report] Broken detailed balance at mesoscopic scales in active biological systems
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Report] Helminth infection promotes colonization resistance via type 2 immunity
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[New Products] New Products
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Association Affairs] Marijuana policy patchwork not based on science
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Special Issue Review] Cross-species comparisons of host genetic associations with the microbiome
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Special Issue Review] Resurrecting the intestinal microbiota to combat antibiotic-resistant pathogens
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Special Issue Review] How colonization by microbiota in early life shapes the immune system
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Special Issue Perspective] Antibiotic use and its consequences for the normal microbiome
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Strengths that are now weaknesses
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Parasitic worms affect gut microbes
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Synthetic twists among lipids
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Beyond antibiotics
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Signaling at the synapse
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] EZ catalyst control in olefin metathesis
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Phase separation organizes signaling
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] RNA splicing links genetics to disease
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Identifying nonequilibrium dynamics
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Progesterone signaling in sperm
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[This Week in Science] Peering into a membrance oxidase
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Editors' Choice] Breaking down a barrier to tumor therapy
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Editors' Choice] A chromatin modifier for the developing heart
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Editors' Choice] Metagenomes yield archaeal metabolisms
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Research Article] Structure and organization of heteromeric AMPA-type glutamate receptors
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Research Article] Changes in the composition of brain interstitial ions control the sleep-wake cycle
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Research Article] Unconventional endocannabinoid signaling governs sperm activation via the sex hormone progesterone
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Research Article] Population-level analysis of gut microbiome variation
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Report] Population-based metagenomics analysis reveals markers for gut microbiome composition and diversity
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Report] Kinetically controlled E-selective catalytic olefin metathesis
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Perspective] Liquidity in immune cell signaling
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Perspective] Ionic control of sleep and wakefulness
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Perspective] A bacterial oxidase like no other?
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Perspective] Light flips a membrane-embedded helix
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Book Review] After Ebola
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Book Review] Animal acumen
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Book Review] Wellcome Book Prize winner
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Letter] Wolbachia mosquito control: Tested
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Letter] Wolbachia mosquito control: Regulated
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Technical Response] Response to Comment on “Extended-resolution structured illumination imaging of endocytic and cytoskeletal dynamics”
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[Editorial] My love-hate of Sci-Hub
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[In Depth] How Europe exported the Black Death
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[In Depth] Saying no to harassment
ScienceNOW - 17:00
[In Depth] Scandal clouds China's global vaccine ambitions
ScienceNOW - 17:00