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May 09, 2016

Scientists peel back the carrot's genetic secrets

Reuters: Science - Posted: May 9th, 2016, 11:27am UTC
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists have gotten to the root of the carrot, genetically speaking.    Researchers said on Monday they have sequenced the genome of the carrot, an increasingly important root crop worldwide, identifying genes responsible for traits including the vegetable's abundance of vitamin A, an important nutrient for vision.    The genome may point to ways to improve carrots through breeding, including increasing their nutrients and making them more productive and more resistantdiv class="feedflare" a href=""img src="" border="0"/img/a a href=""img src="" border="0"/img/a a href=""img src="" border="0"/img/a /divimg src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/

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