Biology News Net
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This is a biology-specific news aggregator linking to the most recent copyrighted news and articles on popular websites. Our sources
August 31, 2016
Extreme temperatures could increase preterm birth risk
August 29, 2016
NIH collaboration helps advance potential Zika treatments
August 25, 2016
NIH names Dr. Diana Bianchi director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Oxygen can impair cancer immunotherapy in mice
National Drug Alcohol Facts Week begins January 23
August 24, 2016
NIH establishes new research program to address health disparities of chronic diseases
August 23, 2016
New strategy holds promise for detecting bacterial infections in newborns
NIH announces winners of public-private undergraduate biomedical engineering design competition
August 22, 2016
NIH researchers discover otulipenia, a new inflammatory disease
Stem cell therapy heals injured mouse brain
August 17, 2016
Survey shows broad support for national precision medicine study
August 15, 2016
Researchers examine how Parkinson’s disease alters brain activity over time
August 10, 2016
NIH-funded study supports surgery as treatment for myasthenia gravis
NIH releases improved guidelines for diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
August 03, 2016
NIH begins testing investigational Zika vaccine in humans
August 02, 2016
Novel genetic mutation may lead to the progressive loss of motor function
August 01, 2016
Tapping crowd-sourced data unearths a trove of depression genes