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May 12, 2016

Breathalyzer That Detects Lung Cancer Early From a Single Breath Wins $100K Entrepreneurship Competition

Slashdot: Science - Fetched: May 12th, 2016, 7:00pm UTC
Lung cancer "breathalyzer," developed by a team of MIT and Harvard University students, has won $100K Entrepreneurship Competition. The breathalyzer connects to a smartphone and is able to detect lung cancer early from a single breath, reports MIT News. From the report: Astraeus Technologies has developed a postage-stamp-sized device, called the L CARD, that detects certain gases indicative of lung cancer. When someone blows onto the device, a connected mobile app turns a smartphone screen red if those gases are present and green if they aren't. "The L CARD reacts and sends instantaneous information to the physician that further attention is required," Joseph Azzarelli, an MIT PhD student in chemistry said while a ripple of excitement spread through the crowd. Lung cancer is the deadliest type of cancer in the United States, causing more deaths than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined, according to the World Health Organization.pdiv class="share_submission" style="position:relative;" a class="slashpop" href=""img src=""/a a class="slashpop" href=""img src=""/a a class="nobg" href=";utm_medium=googleplus" onclick=",'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;"img src="" alt="Share on Google+"//a /div/ppa href=";utm_medium=feed"Read more of this story/a at Slashdot./pimg src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/

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