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October 28, 2015

FDA Approves Drug That Uses Herpes Virus To Fight Cancer

Slashdot: Science - Fetched: October 28th, 2015, 11:00pm UTC
An anonymous reader writes: U.S. regulators have approved a first-of-a-kind drug that uses the herpes virus to infiltrate and destroy melanoma. Nature reports: "With dozens of ongoing clinical trials of similar 'oncolytic' viruses, researchers hope that the approval will generate the enthusiasm and cash needed to spur further development of the approach. 'The era of the oncolytic virus is probably here,' says Stephen Russell, a cancer researcher and haematologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. 'I expect to see a great deal happening over the next few years.' Many viruses preferentially infect cancer cells. Malignancy can suppress normal antiviral responses, and sometimes the mutations that drive tumour growth also make cells more susceptible to infection. Viral infection can thus ravage a tumour while leaving abutting healthy cells untouched, says Brad Thompson, president of the pharmaceutical-development firm Oncolytics Biotech in Calgary, Canada."pdiv class="share_submission" style="position:relative;" a class="slashpop" href=""img src=""/a a class="slashpop" href=""img src=""/a a class="nobg" href=";utm_medium=googleplus" onclick=",'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;"img src="" alt="Share on Google+"//a /div/ppa href=";utm_medium=feed"Read more of this story/a at Slashdot./pimg src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/

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