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January 12, 2017

[Report] Plant-soil feedbacks and mycorrhizal type influence temperate forest population dynamics

ScienceNOW - Fetched: January 12th, 2017, 4:00pm UTC
Feedback with soil biota is an important determinant of terrestrial plant diversity. However, the factors regulating plant-soil feedback, which varies from positive to negative among plant species, remain uncertain. In a large-scale study involving 55 species and 550 populations of North American trees, the type of mycorrhizal association explained much of the variation in plant-soil feedbacks. In soil collected beneath conspecifics, arbuscular mycorrhizal trees experienced negative feedback, whereas ectomycorrhizal trees displayed positive feedback. Additionally, arbuscular mycorrhizal trees exhibited strong conspecific inhibition at multiple spatial scales, whereas ectomycorrhizal trees exhibited conspecific facilitation locally and less severe conspecific inhibition regionally. These results suggest that mycorrhizal type, through effects on plant-soil feedbacks, could be an important contributor to population regulation and community structure in temperate forests. Authors: Jonathan A. Bennett, Hafiz Maherali, Kurt O. Reinhart, Ylva Lekberg, Miranda M. Hart, John Klironomos

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