Biology News Net
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This is a biology-specific news aggregator linking to the most recent copyrighted news and articles on popular websites. Our sources
October 20, 2016
[Report] Physiological and ecological drivers of early spring blooms of a coastal phytoplankter
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Report] Formaldehyde stabilization facilitates lignin monomer production during biomass depolymerization
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Report] A Silurian maxillate placoderm illuminates jaw evolution
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Report] Predictable convergence in hemoglobin function has unpredictable molecular underpinnings
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Report] The biosynthetic pathway of coenzyme F430 in methanogenic and methanotrophic archaea
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Report] Intercellular communication and conjugation are mediated by ESX secretion systems in mycobacteria
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Report] A “Trojan horse” bispecific-antibody strategy for broad protection against ebolaviruses
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Report] A large fraction of HLA class I ligands are proteasome-generated spliced peptides
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Report] A pathogenic role for T cell–derived IL-22BP in inflammatory bowel disease
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Association Affairs] AAAS 2017 Annual Meeting Program
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[New Products] New Products
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Business Office Feature] Webinar | Immune response monitoring: What can we learn about immunotherapy, pathogen response, and autoimmunity?
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Technical Response] Response to Comments on “Reconciliation of the Devils Hole climate record with orbital forcing”
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Expect the unexpected
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Social transfer of pain in mice
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] A shocking transformation for silver
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Sopping up IL-22 drives intestinal disease
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Many tiny force sensors
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Formaldehyde protects and serves
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] How to turn olefins into nucleophiles
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Gating a calcium channel
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Almost-off transistors
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Acetylene's scission visualized by selfie
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Jaws from the jawless
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Turning off the blue-light response
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Treating Ebola with a Trojan horse
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Directing the movement of a pathogen
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[This Week in Science] Persistent infections “interfere” with B cells
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Editors' Choice] Somatic cells raise sperm barriers
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Editors' Choice] Priming for T cell memory in tissues
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Editors' Choice] Creating a polybenzene network
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Editors' Choice] A hat trick for differentiation therapy?
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Editors' Choice] Explaining gender differences in anxiety
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Perspective] The first jaws
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Perspective] A photoreceptor's on-off switch
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Perspective] Molecular imaging at 1-femtosecond resolution
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Perspective] Hitting Ebola, to the power of two
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Perspective] Why I know but don't believe
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Perspective] A plankton bloom shifts as the ocean warms
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Perspective] Predicting the basis of convergent evolution
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Policy Forum] Identifying the policy space for climate loss and damage
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Letter] Premature downgrade of panda's status
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Letter] Creating a culture of ethics in Iran
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Research Article] Structural basis for the gating mechanism of the type 2 ryanodine receptor RyR2
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[In Brief] News at a glance
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[In Depth] ‘Green hell’ has long been home for humans
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[In Depth] Are labmade human eggs coming soon?
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[In Depth] Alien fungus blights Hawaii's native trees
ScienceNOW - 15:00
[Feature] Science lessons for the next president
ScienceNOW - 15:00