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November 25, 2015

Inside the World of Egypt's Salafist Muslims

National Geographic News - Posted: November 25th, 2015, 2:02pm UTC
Jihadists in the ultraorthodox branch of Islam have been tied to terror attacks—including those in Paris—but most Salafists see politics as a distraction from religion. Photographer Paolo Pellegrin gained rare access to a group of Salafists in Egypt. Here is what he found.

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Inside One Man's Quest to Build a Photo Ark for Animals

National Geographic News - Posted: November 25th, 2015, 11:49am UTC
National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore tells us what inspired his project to document 12,000 captive animal species worldwide.

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Inside the World of Egypt's Salafist Muslims

National Geographic News - Posted: November 25th, 2015, 9:00am UTC
Jihadists in the ultraorthodox branch of Islam have been tied to terror attacks—including those in Paris—but most Salafists see politics as a distraction from religion. Photographer Paolo Pellegrin gained rare access to a group of Salafists in Egypt. Here is what he found.

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